

Embracing a customer-centric approach isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a strategic imperative. Renowned sources like Forbes and PwC highlight that a single negative experience can drive a third of loyal customers away. Conversely, a personalized customer journey can significantly cut acquisition costs, as retaining customers is five times more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. Moreover, personalization not only fosters loyalty but can also propel spending by up to 500%. By prioritizing customer centricity, brands empower consumers to become advocates, driven by exceptional digital interactions.


Dive into the depths of personalized marketing with 'Archi', our advanced AI assistant. Archi is skillfully woven into the martech stack to engage users directly and sift through behavioral data for hyper-personalized experiences. For a treasure trove of knowledge on leveraging AI for customer engagement, explore the insightful articles in our 'Insights' section. Or, start a conversation with Archi right here and witness the power of smart personalization in action.



We analyze and map the most important seconds you share with your customers. It forms the basis of priorities and investments.


We make the technology and the digital platforms work for you. We are experts in the leading marketing technologies.


We engage through communication, creative tools and intelligent services that proves the promise of your brand.


We implement, operate and optimize marketing technologies - and ensure that you get the most out of your investments in platform and tools.


We help you organize and cooperate ideally, so you can create the right customer experiences to strengthen your brand and increase sales.



CLARITY: Before diving into strategy, we invest time in understanding our clients. Through interviews, data analysis, and applied behavioral psychology, we gain comprehensive insights into your unique business landscape. This foundation ensures our strategies are deeply rooted in understanding, ensuring tailored and effective solutions.


STRATEGY: With our foundational understanding of your business, we craft strategies that aren't just generic but specifically aligned with your distinct goals and challenges. Our deep knowledge of technology and data further refines these strategies, ensuring precision and impact.


IMPLEMENTATION: In an ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. At Dagaz, we're not just informed by the trends; we anticipate them. Our name, "Dagaz," signifies transformation and new beginnings, which embodies our innovative approach to every challenge. No matter the tech required to evolve your business we will make the transformation smooth and effective.




Actito, a premier Martech platform in Europe, blends high-tech solutions with expert support, ensuring exceptional user experience and adoption. It enables businesses to cultivate lasting, profitable customer connections through personalized, real-time omnichannel campaigns. Explore Actito's fusion of innovation and expertise for a marketing journey that deeply connects.


Ibexa’s Digital Experience Platform enables organizations to stay competitive, optimize revenue streams, launch new products and services and test-drive digital strategies. With Ibexa, B2B companies can transform sales strategies and build frictionless buying experiences with a cost-effective and scalable solution.


Raptor Services deliver a market-leading personalization solution and Customer Data Platform that activates data to create truly relevant customer experiences. Furthermore, their omnichannel solutions enable customers to optimize their online performance and build customer loyalty. All through recommendations and personalized content and products in all channels.


Qualifio is the leading European first- and zero-party data collection platform for consumer brands. We enable marketing teams to get to know their audiences thanks to two complementary SaaS modules Qualifio Engage & Qualifio Loyalty


A10tion.ai is revolutionizing the landscape of customer engagement with its state-of-the-art multi-persona builder, designed to master the art of hyper-personalization. As a tech partner to Dagaz Agency, A10tion.ai leverages cutting-edge AI to analyze and predict customer behaviors, enabling brands to craft bespoke experiences that resonate on an individual level.


We are always open to new friendships. Reach out and let's talk.🙂


Dagaz Agency, inspired by and named after the ancient rune of transformation, is a unique player in the digital realm.

We're at the forefront of the digital era, committed to creating customer-focused solutions for visionary companies. Our expertise in data and human psychology drives our strategy to advance our clients' success.

Our goal is to lead in digital mastery, making each interaction meaningful and innovative. Join us to craft experiences that engage and inspire action.

At Dagaz We make every second with your customer count.​


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